Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Hello, sweet summertime!

Even though I am a huge fan of cold weather and snow I do love summertime. 
This year started off with me heading back to school...Go Jags!
 Mav and I love Goodwill. He seriously wants to go all.the.time. It is his favorite store because he gets a toy every time. He loves it!
 Terrible twos? Yep, we have a case of those at our house. Dear 3, you cannot come soon enough!!
 Mav has loved helping Daddy mow every week!
 Pool party! Mav has always been a little fishy and this year is no exception. He is swimming by himself in the pool with his inter tube!! He also loved spending the day with Avery, Grady, and 'baby' Landri!
 We had a fun afternoon with cousin Riley and family last weekend. They are hilarious playing together!
 We attended our first concert at the local amphitheater. Mav had a BLAST running around with Avery and Karson. You could also catch him dancing. So, so cute!

Sports Fans! Fever & Indians games!

In the last month we have been to a Indianapolis Fever basketball game and an Indianapolis Indians baseball game!
Maverick was so cute walking into the Fieldhouse. He was not sure what to think. 

 He loved all of the displays and running around the gift shop. Fun fact: to get him to smile for his pic I said "if you want ice cream you need to smile in this picture."

 Mammy went with us and we had fun! Go Fever!
 We also went to an Indians game. Thank you Ginny, Andy, and the Indiana Family of Farmers.
Maverick had a blast running around with Preslee!

Let's play catch up!

So, what has been going on with the Wolf Pack? A lot!
Cheech & Wesley are our two new additions to the family. They are very sweet kitties who are spoiled rotten!!
Matt---He has been as busy as ever with work!!
Kelly--- I have been enjoying my awesome job and am now officially a college student again!! I'm so excited to get back to pursuing my degree. I will graduate in a couple of years with a Bachelor of Social Work from IU. Yay! I love working in foster care and hope to stay here for a very long time.
Mav--- has been growing like a weed. He is so tall and is a strong little guy. (He loves to show off his muscles). He loves Buzz Lightyear and Toy Story. I have probably seen each of the 3 movies about a billion times. He has a lot of toy story toys (thank you for your hand-me-downs, Brevin!) and plays with them a lot. He also loves playing outside, trains & cars, and has such a big imagination!
About a year ago we started on a journey of speech therapy for Maverick. Just recently he has been diagnosed with Apraxia of Speech. This means that he will need frequent, intensive therapy for his speech. He is great at using signs, but gets frustrated when others cannot understand what he is telling you. The good news is that with all of the evaluations he has had he far excels his age group in all other cognitive skills!!

I have missed blogging and promise to be better. Feel free to nudge me if you see me slacking!! Welcome back to the life of the Wolf Pack!

Hey, Remember us?!!

We are here and still alive. I know it has been awhile, but I am taking a solemn vow to get better at updating.  It would be too long and too picture heavy to go back through the last year. So, here are some pics to catch you up!