Monday, October 17, 2011

Yay for Fall!

I have been bad and not updated my blog for a couple of weeks.
Here's what we have been up to..
Taking walks and enjoying the weather. You may ask yourself, "Is that Maverick standing in his stroller?" Why yes, it is. He loves to stand up in his stroller. He knows he is doing something bad and laughs the whole time he does it!!!
 We went to Canal Days in Metamora! Maverick had fun, but it was fairly hot for a fall day. We didn't stay too long b/c it was so crowded. Maverick did like picking out a couple of pumpkins.
 We stopped for a picture by the mill!
 Cousin Billy came along and tried on hats for our entertainment!

 No, this is not a's Maverick!
 I let Maverick paint his pumpkin. He had a blast.

 It goes without saying that he had to take a bath very quickly into this process! He was then put on Security detail!
 I added some puff paint after the paint dried. We made this pumpkin for Charli <3
 Matt worked hard on carving a couple of pumpkins!
 His finished product!
 It has been cold enough that we have pulled out the hats for winter. Maverick is NOT a fan!
Happy Fall Y'all!

Peanut Allergy!

A few weeks ago I fixed Maverick a waffle with peanut butter on top for lunch. He was about two bites in when Matt noticed hives breaking out all over his face. Luckily, it didn't get any worse. The next day I called the pedi and we went in for blood testing. Sure enough he tested positive for a peanut allergy and we were referred to a pediatric allergist and given a prescription for an epi pen. 
We really didn't know what to expect at the allergist. The paperwork warned us that we could be there for upwards of 3 hours and we weren't excited about that. 
The ladies in the office (nurses and reception) were so incredibly nice. They got such a big kick out of Maverick. He was loving all of the attention! 

After the nurse and allergist came in they did a test for food allergies on his back. In the upper right corner is the control shot and the middle of his back is the peanut test. They tested for eggs, wheat, soy, milk, fish, and others.

Peanuts were the only thing that showed a reaction. After looking at his blood test conducted at the pedi the allergist said his allergy to peanuts may go away in time. The test is done from a level of 1-100. Once you hit the level 10 and above you will always require medical attention and will have the allergy for life. As the number decreases so does the severity. Maverick tested a 4. The allergist said that is borderline for outgrowing the allergy. He will test him every year, but expects it to be gone by age 4/5!! He also said that if he does get a hold of any peanuts that it should only require benedryl vs an epi pen.

Peanut allergies can be very severe and I think we lucked out on this one!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Rylee post #2!!

Elisabeth and Rylee left to go back home today. :( :( :(
I'm glad we got in some time together before they left!
 I just want to squeeze her!!
 I bought her this dress. Isn't it so cute on her? :)
 We wanted to get pics of them together. We had to settle for dressing them up and doing it ourselves!!
If you will remember from my previous post, Maverick is NOT a fan of sharing the spotlight.
He fought this with all of his might!!
 This was take #234123542345632462!!!
I love it!
 Mammy and Ry!!
 Maverick was starting to warm up to cousin Elisabeth right before we left!!
We are going to increase our amount of skype dates in hopes that his jealousy subsides!!
We love you both very much and hope that we see you again very soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Cousin Rylee!!!!!!!!!

My cousin Elisabeth and her newborn baby Rylee came home this week for the first time!
Here is their first picture together!!
 Maverick loved the airport! We couldn't really see the planes, but what he could see he loved!!
 Hi Cousin Billy!!!!!! Maverick loves his cousin Billy!!!
 Maverick is EXTREMELY jealous of the baby. He can't quite figure her out. He is not a fan of not always being the center of attention.
 "Hey you, this is MY pack-and-play"!
 It is also taking some time to warm up to cousin Elisabeth. He knows that she brought 'that baby' here and it's going to take some time to forgive her ;)
 Baby Rylee is oblivious to Maverick's jealousy!! She is such a great little baby and is gorgeous!
She really looks like her daddy!!

11 months!!

11 month Stats:
Height : 28 and 1/2 inches--this was two months ago and I don't think we have grown any!
Weight: My guess is about 24 and 1/2 lbs!
Size: 5 in diapers 18 and 24 months in clothes!!
Teeth: He officially has 3 bottom  and 4 top!!  I'm pretty sure we are working on another, but I just can't see it!
Sleeping: ::Knocks on wood:: I am finally getting my good sleeper back. He is learning to put himself to sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This has NOT been an easy task and still does not always go smoothly!!
Eating: He drinks about 5 bottles of formula/day. We keep introducing more table food. mashed potatoes are his favorite!!!
Movement: He started regular crawling!! I think he will walk any day now!
Words and sounds: He talks and jabbers all of the time.  'hi' and every once in awhile a "Ma" or "Da" !!
Milestones: 1st haircut, regular crawling, 1st pair of shoes, and learning how to put himself to sleep!!!!
Favorite toys: Cups, bowls, cans, straws, books, and blocks :)
Dislikes: diaper changes, being strapped in his car seat (he is fine once you get going), being told "no", and not being the center of attention!!
Places I went this month: Amish Auction, a wedding, St Mary's fall festival, and shoe shopping!
Other special things about me this month: It is so cute b/c he knows exactly what he wants and you better make it happen!! His feet are extra wide and there are only a few companies that make shoes his size! He loves to play with the toys in his room! He also loves mickey Mouse Clubhouse and  Sesame Street!!

Rough Week

This week my Aunt Juanita went to heaven.
Saying goodbye to her has been hard for everyone.
She is my mom's older sister and will be missed dearly.
I love you Aunt Wee-Wee.
 It was so great to have all of my cousins together in one place again. It has been so many years I cannot even tell you the last time this happened. All of  my holiday memories growing up included all of these people. They are all my favorites and I love them very much! I hope that we will be able to see each other more often!
Maverick and cousin Cameron!
It has been so nice spending time with all of the family at Aunt Juanita & Uncle Buddy's house. It is just like we used to do. I just wish that it was for a different purpose. I have so many memories from their house. My Aunt Juanita would have loved seeing all of the people that came out to show their love and support. However, we know that she is no longer suffering and she is resting with our Lord!
Psalm 48:14
For this God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end.
Revelation 14:13
And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Blessed indeed,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!”

We are still here!!

Happy fall ya'll!! 
The Wolf pack has been super busy!
 Maverick loves the park!
 We have been working on walking!
 So hard that it takes his tongue hanging out :)
 Whew, walking is exhausting!!
 Maverick got an early birthday present from Aunt lucky Laura!! It is a Top Gun jacket!!!
 Avery has been reading to Maverick!
 Group shot with Avery and Karson!
 He loves his speedway!!
 We have been working on trying to feed ourselves. I will let you decide how it is going :)