Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Mamaw and Papaw's zoo!

Sunday afternoon we went to our local petting zoo!
It is also known as Mamaw and Papaw's house!
Dixie and Sadie!! Aren't they cute?!
 Mamaw apparently wasn't feeding them animal crackers fast enough!
This is Mamaw, by the way. Her title is Mamaw Zookeeper!
 This is Bret Michaels the rooster. You can't really tell from this picture, but he has big 80's hairband hair.
I HATE chickens/roosters/etc, but I love that this one is still stuck in the 80's!
This is the real Bret Michaels. See, you can barely tell them apart!
 Baby goat loves to ride on the golf cart. Maverick was not impressed that she took Mommy's seat!
 Mamaw put him in a swing and he thought that was pretty cool!
"Hey Papaw, where do you keep your food and your cups?"

10 months!!

10 month Stats:
Height : 28 and 1/2 inches--this was last month and I don't think we have grown any!
Weight: My guess is about 24 lbs!
Size: 4 in diapers 12 and 18 month clothes
Teeth: He officially has 3 bottom  and 4 top!! 
Sleeping: I don't want to talk about it! Lol I think he has been used to getting up a lot b/c of teething. Now he is still in the habit and no longer wants to sleep 12 hours. Boo.
Eating: He drinks about 5 bottles of formula/day. He loves all of his baby food and oatmeal too!!
This month he eat a lot more table food. He likes pasta, bread, ice cream, and oatmeal cream pies!
Movement: He is pretty fast at army crawling! He seems very close to walking. He can pull himself up on anything in the house! He also much prefers this to crawling anywhere.
Words and sounds: He tries to say 'Meow' at the kitties at Mammy and Aunt JJ's house! He also has developed a little mouse squeak when he isn't getting what he wants. It gets louder and longer as he doesn't get whatever it is that he wants!
Milestones: 1 tooth on the bottom, officially able to pull himself up on things, and 1st injury ER trip!
Favorite toys: He loves his new LeapFrog table that he can pull up on and play with. He also still loves cups with or without straws, bowls, his bouncer, and books! Oh and he loves a little ball that Cousin Billy gave him!
Dislikes: sleeping, diaper and clothing changes, not getting what he wants right away, being told 'No' (he will pucker up and cry every single time)
Places I went this month: The Indiana State Fair and the Children's Museum
Other special things about me this month: He wants to be very independent when it comes to eating. He loves table food and grunts at anyone with food!! He also wants to stand up 24/7!
**I can't believe he is getting so close to his 1st Birthday!**

Monday, August 29, 2011

Sleep? No thanks!

My last post was about Maverick's recent dislike for sleep.
The response from my readers has been overwhelming wanting pictures to accompany the post!
The Today Show, Oprah, and People Magazine have all made offers for exclusives!
I kid, I kid. Of course out of the 5 of you followers out there Dana has complained :)
 I thought I would snap some pictures the other night while Maverick was having his own pajama party.

Let me preface this by saying that I know many of you are wondering why he is 'up' and walking around.
You may be wondering why we aren't holding and rocking him back to sleep.
Well, my sweet little boy will only go #2 while standing up!! (yes future Maverick, I will tell all of your future girlfriends about this issue :) ) 
So thinking that maybe an upset tummy could be the problem we let him stand for a few to see if we get any results!
 All of these pictures were taken at approx 1am. He was quite the party animal!!
 He was giggling, screeching, and moving all over. His favorite activity is to push everything off of the table!!
 Some of the pictures are horrible quality.
It was dark in the room and I didn't want to fuel the fire by turning lights on just for pics!

So now you might ask if he was tired or cranky the next day?
I will let you judge for yourself!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ummm..does anyone know the number to the Sandman?

Yes, this is a blog post without any pictures. I know, I know I can't believe it either!
The reason for me doing this blog is really to remember all of the little (and big) things.
I hope to look back at this, sooner than later, and be thankful that he is back to being a good sleeper!
Right now Maverick thinks that sleeping is funny. He had always been a good sleeper until teething hit.
Now he is in such a habit of waking up at night that it has stuck. We have tried sleep training and it seems to be regressing. I've tried explaining to him that mommy needs her beauty sleep, but he doesn't care :)

Last night (I wish I had a picture to insert here) was so funny. It had been a long day with little naps.
We went to meet Aunt Dana in Greenwood and to pick up Mammy. By the time we got home and fed him it was an hour past his bedtime. I went ahead and laid him down b/c he was so exhausted. He immediately was mad at me. He was crying so I just walked away. After a little bit I decided I should check on him.
He was standing up in his bed with his pants off and jumping as he was screaming!!!!!!
He has never taken his pants off or stood up in his bed before! It was so cute!!
I took him out to put his pants back on and it was like he had a red bull. We spent the next few hours trying to get him to go back to sleep!!


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Maverick goes to work with Mommy

Thanks to Aunt Dana we have lost our nanny for about a week!
Yesterday Maverick came into work with me for an hour.
He did much better than I thought!
It's amazing how much persuasion puffs have :)
Here he is checking his email!
 Now he is making calls to clients!
(this pic was taken right before he knocked my big cup all over the desk)!!
 Daddy brought the walker so that Mommy could get some things done!
 He was having a blast!
 You guessed it...Perry came too!!
 Thanks for helping Mommy today, little buddy!!

Weekend Update

It was a low-key weekend for the Wolf pack and it was fantastic!
It seems like we are always running all weekend so it was nice to relax at home!
Friday night we went out to eat with our favorite neighbors!!
Avery wanted to help feed Maverick!
 It was so cute! She did a really good job!!
 Maverick kept getting distracted.
 It was so cute b/c Grady and Avery kept fighting over his attention!!
We love the Hills!!
 Maverick loves his jumper!!
 My recent Goodwill find was a brand-new Toy Story Tent!!
It had a couple of minor issues, but fixable! For $1 I couldn't pass it up!
Maverick is not too sure about it. He gets really excited about it when he sees it and then he kind of freaks when he is in it!!
 Mom, please put your camera down and come play with me in this thing!!!
 Daddy reading to Maverick!!
 Mommy and Maverick napping together!!
Have a great week!!

Monday, August 22, 2011

1st trip to the Children's Museum

Last week we had an unplanned trip to the Children's Museum.
If you have not ever been drop everything you are doing right now and run!!
It is so awesome! My mom used to take me all of the time when I was little.
I can still picture the wall behind the carousel with the park scene!!

Cousin Billy, Mammy, Maverick and I had such a fun time.
Here we are in the entrance where Maverick was greeted with a Chinese dragon.
He loved it!
 Our first stop was the gift shop and he was yelling and screaming. He was so excited!
 He found the biggest rubber ducky he had ever seen!!!
Of course, he wanted to take it home and chew on it!!
 Here is Mav throwing a fit when I took the duck away.
(He has the sock on his hand b/c he is still recovering from his burn)
 Cousin Billy had fun showing him toys!
 At the back of the gift shop we found this Thomas the Train table. Maverick was over the moon.
I would try to pick him up and he would hold on to the table for dear life. He did not want to leave it.
I'm pretty sure Santa is going to have to try to find this table at a less expensive store!
 He could have stayed here all day!!!
 Here he is at the famous water clock. He could have cared less.
I'm sure once he gets older he will appreciate the cool factor of the clock!
 We made our way up to the carousel. He would not take his eyes off of it!
 Mom, I love it!
 We tried to wave everytime we passed Billy and Mammy.
 Mammy was fascinated with all of the stuff there. She had not been since I was little!
 The boys found a dinosaur!!
 They have a special play area for kids under 2. This is so cool. He loved the little mirror.
 There was a really cool Barbie Exhibit. I didn't realize how much I would love this.
It was so fun! Here we are at our Barbie CEO desk!

In this picture Billy and I are about to pee our pants b/c Mammy can't figure out the camera on my phone.
She kept taking pictures of herself.
 A Barbie covered in Swarovski crystals? Yes, please!
 Billy loves Barbie too!!
 This was the funniest doll there!!
 Mammy and Maverick walked the runway!! Work it!

Barbie and the Rockers!!
This was totally my generation of Barbie!
 Mammy also works for Barbie!
 Billy is her assistant!
 Our last stop was the Dinosphere. The last time that I was there it was the 1st year it opened.
You had to get tickets a week in advance. It was nice to be able to walk through so quickly!
Maverick enjoyed the lights!
 Cousin Billy loves elevators!
 Bye-bye dinos! See you next time!
I hope to get a yearly membership so that as Mav gets older we can visit more often.
I really didn't think he was old enough to enjoy it yet. I could not get over how interactive he was with everything. He yelled and giggled the whole time we were there!! I can't wait to take him back!