Monday, July 25, 2011

Martha Stewart, you better watch out!!!

Thanks to my new obsession and the influence of my mommy friends I decided to get a sewing machine!! I went with a Simple by Singer b/c, let's face it, I'm no Martha!
Look it is even 'handpicked by Martha'!!
Matt would be quick to tell you that I've had this for a few weeks and finally got going on it yesterday!
I should mention that I bought everything to get started and realized I forgot thread. I'm such a sewer :)
 My 1st project is going to be sewing a tie on a onesie!
 I ended up ironing some Wonder Under on my towel...oops!
 Maverick was busy working Security in his Lightening McQueen walker!!
 After about 45 minutes of watching the video I had to call for reinforcement!
 Maverick thought it was funny that I was having such a rough start!! Little stinker!
 Here is what I accomplished yesterday!! It may not be much, but it's a start...right?!!!
Yeah, I'm pretty sure Martha is safe for a little while!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Take me out to the Ballgame!!!!

Last night Matt and I went on a date to the Indians game @Victory Field!
I would like to send a great big, giant THANK YOU to my mommy friend Ginny.
She got us awesome seats and a very yummy dinner!!
We were guests of the Indiana Family of Farmers. 
Support our local farms!!!

Despite it being 90+ degrees it wasn't all that bad. Trust me, I am the first one to complain about heat and I didn't complain once. Matt was so proud of me! It might have helped that I grabbed an ice cold Corona as soon as I walked through the gate!! Yay for adult beverages! (drink responsibly people!)
 If you have never been to Victory Field it is a must! It is really family friendly.
You can bring your own coolers and tickets aren't very expensive!
 We can't wait to take Maverick when it gets a little cooler!!
 Although we missed our little bear a ton we had a great time!
It's important to have some 'us' time every once in awhile!!!
Thanks again Ginny!!!

Monday, July 18, 2011


I finally ordered Maverick some babylegs!! I love them!
Yes, they are baby leg warmers. They are so cute on him!!
Daddy hates them. He thinks I am turning him into a sissy! ::insert eye roll::
The pictures aren't the best, but here you go!!

 Who cares what daddy thinks? I love them, Mommy!!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Maverick slept in his room!!!

Since day 1 Maverick has slept in our room. We have his awesome pack-n-play at the foot of our bed.
Last night we (okay, matt had to drug me and twist my arm) decided that it was time he started sleeping in his room. I guess I didn't spend months finding his bedding for him not to use it :)

Check out my little jail bird!!
 Oh, I can chew on the bed? I think I like it!
 I love my bed!!
His bed was all ready for him!!
I don't know why I was so nervous.
He does sleep in a fire station :)
 Mom, get out of here--it's time to sleep! You have your own room!!
He slept great all night!!
I'm pretty sure it was much tougher for me than it was him.
Let's hope that we have more wonderful and well-rested nights!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Newborn Maverick

Last week I finally got my butt in gear and picked up Maverick's newborn pictures.
(yes, I know he is almost 9 months old)
They were done by Deanna Ruble Photography out of Connersville, IN.
She is fabulous!
Enjoy my little baby :)

Maverick and Lucy!!

This weekend Maverick and I had a playdate with some fabulous ladies!!!
My friend Mel from my mommy group came over and brought her girls.
 Lucy and Maverick are just about 2 weeks apart!
Her big sister Ellie also played with them!!
 They played really well together!!
 Maverick even did a good job sharing his toys. I was a bit nervous about this!!
 He just kept watching her and smiling. It was adorable!!!
I do have to tell you something funny...
As they were leaving Mel and I were holding the babies and Mav reached over and grabbed Lucy's bewbie!!
 Daddy is very proud :)
I did talk to him about respecting girls and  how we don't treat them like objects :) 
He promised to be on his best behavior from now on!!
Thanks for a great time ladies!! Let's do it again!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

To crawl or not to crawl...

Maverick has been scooting around the last couple of weeks!
He only does so if he sees something he wants.
He won't just take off for fun...yet!

Yesterday he decided that he wanted his FP toolbox. 
He was almost there...

When he finally got to it he pulled it on top of him causing a bit of a goose egg on his head!
He didn't care he was too excited to play!

Happy 4th of July!!

I hope you all had a wonderful 4th!! We had a great one!
The night before I decided to make a cake! I was feeling creative at 10pm :)
My new obsession is and I keep seeing tye-dyed cakes. I tried to make a red, white, and blue one. Ummm...not so much. Hey, it was multi-colored and yummy!!
We started the day by going to our local parade!
My friend Denise was nice enough to let us take over her front yard!
 Someone gave Maverick a flag at the beginning of the parade and he loved holding it.
He didn't even try to eat it!!!
 The Hill's came and sat with us too!!
Grady and Avery got more candy than most kids get at joke!
 Mammy, Billy, and Aunt JJ also sat with us.
We played pass the baby b/c it was getting very hot!
 Maverick and his Aunt JJ.
 After the parade we went to the car show with the Hills!
Maverick decided early on that he didn't need to ride in a stroller. Hey it was only 90 degrees and humid..who wouldn't want to carry a 22lb baby around :) ?!
 Since Mav ditched his stroller Avery got in ours! She looks like a giant!!

 Here is our 4th of July family picture!
 And the Hills family picture. I crack up every.single.time I see this picture.
G & A look like the world's grumpiest kids!!
 Oh, and this one is from the parade too. I had to throw it in b/c of his arms.
 Look how cute and chubby they are!!!
 Maverick loves America!
 He was asleep before we even pulled out of the parking lot!!
 It was a big day for him!!
Happy 4th of July from the Wolf Pack!!!