Maverick will be 6 months old on Thursday.
So, I would like to recap the last few months b/c I just started my blog.
Day 1--October 28th, 2010
born at 7:25pm
7lbs 12oz
21and 1/2 inches long
1 month
9lbs 12.8oz
22inches long
About my 1st month:
I sleep about 3-4 hours at a time. I eat 4 to 5 oz every 4 hours.
I had my 1st Thanksgiving. We went to Mamaw and Papaw's.
I love tummy time!
2 Month
12lbs 1oz
22 and 3/4 inches long
About my 2nd month:
I started sleeping through the night. 10pm to 5am!!!
I eat 6 bottles/day at 6oz each!
I love to smile! My favorite activity is to lay on my play mat!
My 1st Christmas was awesome! I did great with Santa!!
3 Month
13lbs 8oz
24inches long
About my 3rd month:
I sleep from 9pm to 7am!
5bottles/day that are 7oz each!
I LOVE bath time! I am such a character in the tub! I am a big splasher!
I started to hold my head up this month!!
4 Month
15lbs 12oz
26 inches long
About my 4th month:
I sleep from 8pm to 7am!!
5 bottles/day 7oz each!
I love to play in my exersaucer. I started going to Cathy's. I love to watch the other kids.
Mommy and Daddy had to take me to my first middle-of-the-night ER trip. I had a double ear infection and the flu.
I also love to watch Phineas and Ferb!
5 Month
17lb 6oz
26 inches long
About my 5th month:
My sleep is the same as last month.
I tried rice cereal for the 1st time....yuck! I let it fall right out of my mouth. I just wanted to eat the bowl!
I have discovered my toes!! They are my new favorite toy...well, besides my jumperoo!!
I was sick again. I had bronchitis and another ear infection. Mommy and Daddy had to give me breathing treatments 4 times/day!!