7 month Stats:
Height : 28 inches
Weight: 20lbs 3oz
Size: 4 in diapers. 6-9month clothes
Teeth: None yet. Everyday he chews on his hand and toys so much that you think one is going to pop up any second!!
Sleeping: He is a really good sleeper. He sleeps every night from 7:00pm to 7am! He also takes a couple of good naps during the day!
Eating: He drinks about 5 bottles of formula/day. His favorite solids are carrots, sweet potatoes, and just about everything with fruit. He LOVES Earth's best organic Peach banana oatmeal for breakfast!
Movement: He loves to lay on his belly and play. He still scoots backwards very quickly!
Words and sounds: He loves to make the bbbbbb sound. We are trying to get ma-ma or da-da to come out but he just laughs at us when we ask him to say them!!
Milestones: Baptized!!!!
Favorite toys: He loves his blocks, pop up penguin book, his stuffed Perry and Mickey!
Places I went this month: He has been in swim class all month in Carmel!!
Other special things about me this month: Maverick has finally been able to go outside some. He loves taking walks and playing in the grass.