12 month Stats:
Height : 26.7 lbs...93rd percentile
Weight: 31&1/2 inches (holy growth spurt!!)....94th percentile
Size: 5 in diapers 18 and 24 months in clothes!!
Teeth: working on some teeth in the back!!
Sleeping: He is starting to go to sleep on his own really well. He usually doesn't cry longer than 30 seconds and then just lets you know he is mad for another 5 until he falls asleep!
Eating: He drinks about 5 bottles of formula/day. He now wants to eat everything we eat. He LOVES cupcakes :)
Movement: He will take a few steps between Matt and I, but is not confident enough yet to take off.
Words and sounds: He talks and jabbers all of the time. 'hi' and every once in awhile a "Ma" or "Da" !! He also calls most small animals "El" (Mammy's cat is Elvis)
Milestones: He likes to shake his head 'No' at anything you ask him!
Favorite toys: He loves his fisher-price stacking toy. His favorite activity is to take things out of his toy box and put them back inside!
Dislikes: people who don't pay attention to him in public--if he spots someone in the store who doesn't say hello he will squeal at them until they do!
Places I went this month:the doctor--I had a double ear infection again, I started going back to Cathy's (daycare) a few times a week, the airport, Canal Days, and the allergist.
Other special things about me this month: He gets very upset when someone leaves the room. He is afraid that he is going to miss something! He loves to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Sesame Street. He is also sleeping in a little later most mornings!! He no longer wants to get in his jumperoo or walker at all. He would rather crawl or have you walk with him where he wants to go. He also enjoys playing independently for longer stretches of time!
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