11 month Stats:
Height : 28 and 1/2 inches--this was two months ago and I don't think we have grown any!
Weight: My guess is about 24 and 1/2 lbs!
Size: 5 in diapers 18 and 24 months in clothes!!
Teeth: He officially has 3 bottom and 4 top!! I'm pretty sure we are working on another, but I just can't see it!
Teeth: He officially has 3 bottom and 4 top!! I'm pretty sure we are working on another, but I just can't see it!
Sleeping: ::Knocks on wood:: I am finally getting my good sleeper back. He is learning to put himself to sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This has NOT been an easy task and still does not always go smoothly!!
Eating: He drinks about 5 bottles of formula/day. We keep introducing more table food. mashed potatoes are his favorite!!!
Eating: He drinks about 5 bottles of formula/day. We keep introducing more table food. mashed potatoes are his favorite!!!
Movement: He started regular crawling!! I think he will walk any day now!
Words and sounds: He talks and jabbers all of the time. 'hi' and every once in awhile a "Ma" or "Da" !!
Milestones: 1st haircut, regular crawling, 1st pair of shoes, and learning how to put himself to sleep!!!!
Favorite toys: Cups, bowls, cans, straws, books, and blocks :)
Dislikes: diaper changes, being strapped in his car seat (he is fine once you get going), being told "no", and not being the center of attention!!
Places I went this month: Amish Auction, a wedding, St Mary's fall festival, and shoe shopping!
Words and sounds: He talks and jabbers all of the time. 'hi' and every once in awhile a "Ma" or "Da" !!
Milestones: 1st haircut, regular crawling, 1st pair of shoes, and learning how to put himself to sleep!!!!
Favorite toys: Cups, bowls, cans, straws, books, and blocks :)
Dislikes: diaper changes, being strapped in his car seat (he is fine once you get going), being told "no", and not being the center of attention!!
Places I went this month: Amish Auction, a wedding, St Mary's fall festival, and shoe shopping!
Other special things about me this month: It is so cute b/c he knows exactly what he wants and you better make it happen!! His feet are extra wide and there are only a few companies that make shoes his size! He loves to play with the toys in his room! He also loves mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Sesame Street!!
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