Tuesday, August 30, 2011

10 months!!

10 month Stats:
Height : 28 and 1/2 inches--this was last month and I don't think we have grown any!
Weight: My guess is about 24 lbs!
Size: 4 in diapers 12 and 18 month clothes
Teeth: He officially has 3 bottom  and 4 top!! 
Sleeping: I don't want to talk about it! Lol I think he has been used to getting up a lot b/c of teething. Now he is still in the habit and no longer wants to sleep 12 hours. Boo.
Eating: He drinks about 5 bottles of formula/day. He loves all of his baby food and oatmeal too!!
This month he eat a lot more table food. He likes pasta, bread, ice cream, and oatmeal cream pies!
Movement: He is pretty fast at army crawling! He seems very close to walking. He can pull himself up on anything in the house! He also much prefers this to crawling anywhere.
Words and sounds: He tries to say 'Meow' at the kitties at Mammy and Aunt JJ's house! He also has developed a little mouse squeak when he isn't getting what he wants. It gets louder and longer as he doesn't get whatever it is that he wants!
Milestones: 1 tooth on the bottom, officially able to pull himself up on things, and 1st injury ER trip!
Favorite toys: He loves his new LeapFrog table that he can pull up on and play with. He also still loves cups with or without straws, bowls, his bouncer, and books! Oh and he loves a little ball that Cousin Billy gave him!
Dislikes: sleeping, diaper and clothing changes, not getting what he wants right away, being told 'No' (he will pucker up and cry every single time)
Places I went this month: The Indiana State Fair and the Children's Museum
Other special things about me this month: He wants to be very independent when it comes to eating. He loves table food and grunts at anyone with food!! He also wants to stand up 24/7!
**I can't believe he is getting so close to his 1st Birthday!**

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