Last weekend was a 3 day weekend b/c of the holiday! Woo-hoo!!
Maverick had a cold so it was a bit of a rocky start.
Saturday morning he got up and snuggled with me and his cup on the couch!!
Then he sat quietly and watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse for awhile!
Later on Mammy and Aunt JJ came over and brought surprises to Matt and Maverick. Aunt JJ got Maverick an adorable 4th of July outfit!! Mammy helped Maverick forget that it was almost time to eat!
He loves his Mammy. She stays with him during the week while we work.
I found this Snowman bunting suit at a yard sale. It is too small for him so I am sending to cousin Elisabeth. I decided to see if I could squeeze him into it for at least one picture b/c I love it so much!
Maverick did not think it was such a cute idea.
I crack up at this picture. It looks like he is thinking "my mom is crazy and think's I'm a doll. Please HELP!!"!!
Oh my goodness, that snowman suit is adorable! And he looks so thrilled, hehe. :-)